Root Resorption

Root resorption is a process where the body’s immune system recognizes the tooth as a ‘foreign object’ and tries to eliminate it by absorbing (eating away at) this tissue. There are 2 main types of resorption, both the result of inflammation, and sometimes related to dental trauma. The sooner you treat them, the better. They’re both quite destructive, and they can eventually lead to tooth loss.

  • Internal resorption – which starts in the pulp tissue. Your tooth structure is absorbed into the root canal. If this progress continues, it can leave the inside of your tooth hollow and eventually perforate the side of the root, creating a communication with the surrounding jawbone.
  • external resorption – which starts at an outer surface where the root connects to the jawbone. It causes the outside portions of the root to deteriorate.

The sooner you treat them, the better. They’re both quite destructive, and they can eventually lead to tooth loss.

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